Get Aligned with the Large Posture Block

Written by: Posture Mike



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Why Use A Large Posture Block

The large posture block is excellent for positioning your body in a way that allows gravity, floor stability, and steady deep breathing to optimally realign joints, improve circulation, relax tight muscles, and alleviate pain associated with joint and muscle imbalances. 

The frequent and sustained use of the large Posture Block to execute the following posture exercises has the potential to produce positive, productive, and lasting effects.  

  • Lie down on a firm surface.
  • Set the Large Posture Block so your legs are draped over it at a 90-degree angle. 
  • Place the Large Posture Block flush against your bottom with your knees hip distance apart. 
  • Position your arms by your sides, at 45-degree angles away from your body, with your palms up. 
  • Take slow and steady breaths deep into your diaphragm. You should be able to feel your stomach rise with each deep breath. 
  • As always, allow pain to be your guide. If you experience pain, stop. 

Try a modification of the position to alleviate the pain, whether it's moving your arms or legs at a less extreme angle or putting a pillow under your neck or back. Whatever you do, try to do the same with the opposite side. If your left arm can only stretch 10 degrees from your body, match your right arm to that same degree.

How To Use The Large Posture Block

When beginning, try to remain in this position for 5-10 minutes. As you become comfortable and see the benefits, you can remain at this 90-degree angle for as long as you choose. 

You can add variations to the 90-degree formation by adding a pillow or small block between your knees and squeezing your knees together for 5 seconds, releasing, then repeating.

Additionally, you can put a resistance belt around your knees, keeping your knees fist distance apart, then press your knees outward against the belt for five seconds, release, and repeat. 

posture block


Using the large Posture Block daily, over time, to comfortably engage in these seemingly simple body formations can be effective in alleviating pain and the anatomical imbalances that may have occurred over time. Imbalances such as forward head posture from looking down at a cell phone, kyphosis and rounded shoulders from sitting at a desk for hours on end, as well as hip rotation and disparities, anterior pelvic tilt, and lumbar lordosis, to name a few.

Anatomical imbalances that occur through injury, lifestyle, or the environment contribute to much of the pain-resulting headaches, stiff necks, frozen shoulders, rotator cuff injuries, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, back, hip, knee, ankle, and foot pain that many people experience daily. 

By taking the time to allow your body the ability to utilize gravity, your body’s weight, and the floor while positioning your legs at 90-degree angles and arms at 45-degree angles, you are creating the opportunity for your body to acquire the cues for optimal anatomical alignment. The more often you allow your body to remain in a state of anatomical optimization, the greater the impact it will produce on manifesting internal alignment and symmetry while standing, walking, and sitting.

The large Posture Block can also be utilized for seated exercises that help to alleviate joint pain, as well as reinforce joint and muscle balance.


posture block sizing

Try a modification of the position to alleviate the pain, whether it's moving your arms or legs at a less extreme angle or putting a pillow under your neck or back. Whatever you do, try to do the same with the opposite side. If your left arm can only stretch 10 degrees from your body, match your right arm to that same degree. 

Instructional Videos: